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Deutsche Bahn AG

Architecture model on show at the Railway Station, Uelzen

The architecture model of Hundertwasser‘s “Environmental Railway Station, Uelzen” is on show in the rooms of the “Verein Bahnhof 2000 Uelzen e.V.”, which are directly at the station. Enjoy the model daily from 10.30 a.m. until 5.30 p.m. from March 9, 2018.

The dedication took place on November 25, 2000.

Hundertwasser redesigned the old Wilhelminian train station that had been disfigured by later additions made to the building. For Hundertwasser was very important the planting of trees wherever possible.

Excerpt from an address given when construction began in September 1999:

If we do not honour our past,
we lose our future.
If we destroy our roots
we cannot grow.

The maintenance and preservation of our traditions and our cultural heritage is the order of the day. It serves the best interests of all of us.

At a time when our landscape, our cities and nature are being destroyed, it is the duty of every individual, to take responsibility our traditions.